Joining as an AASD Founding Trial Member

The American Association of Special Districts is a nonprofit organization with a mission to unite special districts and build advocacy capacity across states, strengthen district leadership with governance resources from trusted professionals, and advance special districts through adressing core issues impacting recognition of their essential community services.

AASD is led by a passionate group of special district managers, directors, and stakeholders with a drive to elevate fellow special districts through networking and tools for good governance.

Experience what it’s like to be part of a mission-driven special districts association for all of America’s 35,000+ special districts. Try AASD for three months, and receive a 20 percent discount on your prorated dues for the first year.

Submit your application to join AASD as a Trial Member using the embedded Microsoft Form below.

For questions or in case of issues with this form, email

*Note: scroll through the embedded form and click “submit” to complete the trial application.